Java Server Faces


Developing Web Applications using JSF Technologies

Course Objectives

Design web applications using standard architectures, protocols, technologies and components
Configure JSF within the Web Container
Design views using JSF and EL
Design custom components using Facelets
Design and develop the model using JavaBeans or Pojos
Integrate external resources such as JPA within Web Application
Integrate navigation flow/ redirection
Integrate models and views using events
Validate application data
Application data conversion
Identify, Capture, and Resolve Errors
Integrate Security
Test, package and deploy applications

Course Topics

Getting Started with JavaServer Faces

Understand common requirements for Web Applications
Describe the JSF Web Application framework
Describe the architecture of the JSF Web Applications
Describe the View Description Language (VDL)
Understand the role and structure of Managed Beans
Describe navigation rules and cases
Walk through a simple JSF web application

Designing JSF Pages Using Facelets

Understand the structure of Facelet pages
Use Tag libraries in Facelet Pages
Describe the tag libraries supported in Facelets
Understand the JSF Core Tag Library
Understand the HTML RenderKit Tag Library
Understand common attributes of the HTML tags

Using Managed Beans

Define bean properties and bean scopes
Declare beans using annotations
Bind UI Components with Managed Beans
Understand the Unified Expression Language (EL)
Work with beans using Expression Language
Understand the faces-config.xml Configuration File
Configure beans in the faces-config.xml file
Use Java EE Resources in Managed Beans

Designing Navigations

Understand the implicit navigation rules in JSF 2.0
Understand static and dynamic navigations
Configure navigation rules and cases
Understand the navigation rule declaration syntax
Understand the navigation evaluation process

Validating and Converting Data

Understand the data conversion and validating process
Use standard data converters and standard data validators
Configure default validators
Use JSR-303 Bean Validation
Work with conversion and validation messages
Use Error Messages
Use Resource Bundles in JSF Pages
Develop custom validators and converters

Developing Complex Facelet Pages

Use the DataTable Component
Use the Facelets AJAX tag
Understand the Facelets UI Tag Library
Understand Facelet Templating
Use ui:insert to define templates
Use ui:composition to specify the template page
Use ut:define to populate the template

Developing Composite UI Components

Understand the concept of composite UI components
Understand the elements of a composite component
Understand JSF application resource libraries
Design composite components
Store composite components as resources
Use Composite components

Working with Events

Understand the life cycle of JSF request processing
Understand life cycle events in JSF
Understand value change events
Use action events
Register event listenets
Understand the event model enhancements in JSF 2.0

Configuring and Deploying JSF Applications

Understand JSF Web Application Stages
Configure the state maintenance method
Understand the application configuration loading process
Install and upgrade JSF for a web container
Deploy JSF web applications to the web container
Test and verify the JSF application
Configure security for JSF Web Applications



2 hours lecture, 3 lecture per week, 35 hours



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